15 Jan

healing, whole foods diet will change your life.  committing to eating these top 10 healing foods for one year. healing, whole foods diet reduces inflammation, improves heart health and mood, increases energy, boosts immunity and protects from disease. Eating the top 10 healing foods can even make you look younger as your body has what it needs to produce more high-quality collagen. The effects don’t stop there, though. Eating a healing, whole foods diet is better for the planet plus it feels good! So what’s the plan? Simple! Choose from these top 10 healing foods and see how nutrition heals.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Load up on kale, lettuce, swiss chard, spinach, arugula, dandelion leaf, watercress and microgreens. They are high in vitamins A, C, E, K and folate—all of the skin vitamins we need for tissue repair, new cell growth and collagen production.

2. Berries and Cherries

Berries and cherries are fun to eat, taste amazing and they reduce inflammation like nothing else. It’s the anthocyanins, a compound that creates those brilliant vibrant colors, that’s responsible for this gift. Berries and cherries are also high in fiber, lower cholesterol, and fight off depression and anxiety. Cranberries heal the urinary tract system and cherry juice is used by athletes to speed muscle recovery time.

3. Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are high in vitamins C and B which are super for boosting immunity and replenishing the nervous system. Citrus is also high in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper which powers up the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. 

4. Tropical Fruits

Pineapple, coconut, guava and avocado offer many unique benefits that should be enjoyed and included for their high fiber, vitamin and fat content especially if you live in the tropics. Avocado has a ton of vitamin E, unsaturated fats and Lutine which is wonderful for skin health and protects against disease. Papaya is a potent source of vitamin A, dietary fiber and natural digestive enzymes that strengthen and replenish intestinal bacteria. Guavas have a lot of vitamin B and ascorbic acid which is great for skin health and immunity. Coconuts are high in fiber, manganese, copper and iron which help form red blood cells; selenium, an important antioxidant for cell health, plus medium chain triglycerides MCT’s which promote fat loss and natural energy.

5. Probiotic Yogurt

Organic, whole milk, probiotic yogurt is super healing for gut microbiomes with its billions of healthy bacterium. It also  contains many other nutrients that your body needs including calcium for healthy teeth and bones, B vitamins for the nervous system, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Probiotic yogurt is a wonderful source of protein, regulates digestion, boosts immunity, reduces risk of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis as well as aids in weight management. Look for whole milk organic probiotic yogurt that is not sweetened—and add the next thing on this list for best results.  

6.  manuka Raw Honey

When buying honey, be mindful of the source. There are many fake honeys out there! Finding a local beekeeper will always be the best option. If you can’t do that then the health food store is the only other place you will find this. Consuming local honey is a must to tune your body into your environment and location. By eating honey made by local bees created with pollen from neighboring wildflowers, your body makes peace with the pollen in the air (because it is a part of you now).  So if you do have seasonal allergies, this may be your cure. Raw, small batch honey also slows aging and repels chronic disease.

7. Wild Caught Fatty Fish

Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, mackerel and ono are packed with protein, B vitamins, selenium, iron, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fats. Omega 3 fats speed wound healing, enhance immunity and reduce inflammation. Wild caught fatty fish also provides heart, brain, lungs, artery and circulation support. But please go wild because even if it’s a little more expensive, you don’t want the low energy of a fish in captivity with no life of its own.

to find products that will help you with health concerns click here

make your healing health shakes add manuka honey and aloe vera juice in your shake mix to see shake mixes click here

to make health healing smoothies add honey and aloe vera juice and your smoothie mix to see the mixes click here

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